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Huan Nguyen

Binh Thuan Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City

700000 VietNam



Phone: +84 989 167 221

  • Facebook
  • Zalo
  • LinkedIn - Grey Circle

I did



Years of Experience


DEC 2022 - present​

Project: RIVR (Client: EOGResources - Fortune 500)

Position: Senior Front-End Developer

Team Size: 10

Description: Form designer, manage process.


  • Front-End: ReactJS - NextJS

  • Back-End: NodeJS - Mongodb

  • Production Environment: Docker

  • Version Control: Github Private

  • CI Server: CI/CD of Github

My work:

  • Use ReactJS for Project

  • Orientation and consulting for software development


​JULY 2022 - NOV 2022

Project: CiAMS

Position: Senior Front-End Developer

Team Size: 10

Description: Manager Assets, Process Working for Realty


  • Front-End: ReactJS - AngularJS

  • Back-End: .Net - Java

  • Production Environment: Nginx, Docker

  • Version Control: Github

  • CI Server: Jenkins

My work:

  • Use ReactJS/AngularJS for Project

  • Apply MicroFrontEnd (single-spa)

  • Discuss with team about UI/UX

  • Orientation and consulting for software development


​JULY 2021 - JULY 2022

Project: Gambaru (

Position: Senior Front-End Developer

Team Size: 20

Description: Work Remotely, Work Overseas, Live Truly


  • Front-End: NextJs/ReactJS

  • Back-End: Java

  • Production Environment: Nginx, Docker, Kubernetes, ...

  • Version Control: Gitlab

  • CI Server: Jenkins

My work:

  • Use NextJS/GraphQL for Project

  • Build Chat (use Firebase - ReactJS) for Admin Support on Project

  • Discuss with team about UI/UX

  • Responsive Website

  • Build Deploy CI/CD, Docker, Kubernetes.


​APR 2021 - JAN 2024 (Freelance)

Project: OmniBlue Dashboard

Position: Senior Front-End Developer

Team Size: 8

Description: Dashboard managerment Product Employee, Production of Odoo


  • Front-End: ReactJS

  • Back-End: Python

  • Production Environment: Nginx

  • Version Control: Github

My work:

  • Apply Agile/Scrum to the Project

  • Use ReactJS/RestAPI for Project

  • Discuss with Customer about UX/UI make is bester

  • Responsive Website


​APR 2018 - JUN 2021

Project: ACFC

Position: Senior Front-End Developer

Team Size: 5

Description: eCommercial


  • Front-End: ReactNative

  • Back-End: RestAPI from Source Magento - MySQL

  • Production Environment: Expo, CHPlay, AppStore, Ubuntu on EC2, S3, Nginx

  • Version Control: Github

My work:

  • Apply Agile/Scrum to the Project

  • Use ReactNative for Project

  • Development Core for Front-End app on Android and IOS

Project: Monkey Market

Position: Senior Front-End Developer

Team Size: 5

Description: Statistics on import data of products from other countries into China. Sales.


  • Front-End: Angular

  • Back-End: Python -  FastAPI for CRUD - MySQL

  • Production Environment: Ubuntu on EC2, S3, Nginx

  • Version Control: Github

My work:

  • Apply Agile/Scrum to the Project

  • Join to Project Manager Team

  • Use HTML/CSS/TS/Angular for Project

  • Support BackEnd (Dev and design DB)

  • Improve performance

  • Orientation and consulting for software development


Position: Senior Front-End Developer

Team Size: 5

Description: Main Page of Bestarion


  • Front-End: Wordpress

  • Back-End: PHP Wordpress

  • Production Environment: Nginx

  • Version Control: Github

My work:

  • Apply Agile/Scrum to the Project

  • Use HTML/CSS/JS/PHP for Project

  • Support BackEnd

  • Improve performance

Project: Standard Chartered Singapore

Position: Senior Front-End Developer

Team Size: 5

Description: Portal for Vendor and Start-up


  • Front-End: VueJS, KnockoutJS

  • Back-End: Golang - MongoDB

  • Production Environment: Ubuntu on EC2, S3, CloudFront, Nginx as reverse proxy

  • Version Control: Github

  • CI Server: Jenkins

My work:

  • Apply Agile/Scrum to the Project

  • Use HTML/CSS/JS/VueJS for Project

  • Support BackEnd

  • Improve performance

  • Orientation and consulting for software development

Project: Onsite Novaland

Position: Senior Front-End Developer

Team Size: 15

Description: Realty Managerment


  • Front-End: JS/AngularJS

  • Back-End: .Net Core

  • Production Environment: Window Server Azure

  • Version Control: TFS

My work:

  • Use HTML/CSS/JS/AngularJS for Project

  • Responsive Website

  • Improve performance

  • Orientation and consulting for software development

Project: Vendor Portal MSS

Position: Senior Front-End Developer

Team Size: 5

Description: Managerment Vendor of MSS


  • Front-End: ReactJS

  • Back-End: Ruby on Rails for CRUD, Golang for heavy processes, full-text search with Postgres & Solr

  • Production Environment: Ubuntu on EC2, S3, CloudFront, Nginx as reverse proxy

  • Version Control: Github

  • CI Server: Jenkins

My work:

  • Use HTML/CSS/TS/ReactJS for Project

  • Responsive Websilte


  • Improve performance

  • Orientation and consulting for software development

Project: MSS

Position: Senior Front-End Developer

Team Size: 35


  • Project description: To maintain Meperia Strategic Sourcing (MSS), a requisitioning system, currently deployed for 30+ healthcare corporations in different sizes

    • Bug fixes

    • Enhancements

    • New feature implementation: both application-wised ones to be applied to all hospitals and hospital-wised to be applied to specific hospital(s)

  • Responsibilities: Architecture and database design, performance monitoring, customer support, implementation, troubleshooting and technical support.


  • Front-End: HTML, CSS, ExtJS

  • Back-End: Ruby on Rails for CRUD, Golang for heavy processes, full-text search with Postgres & Solr

  • Production Environment: Ubuntu on EC2, S3, CloudFront, ElastiCache, Apache2, Phusion Passenger, Nginx as reverse proxy, PostgreSQL, PgBouncer, Wal-e

  • Profiler tools: Request-log-analyzer, NewRelic, Firebug, Yslow

  • Version Control: SVN, Github

  • CI Server: Jenkins

My work:

  • Use HTML/CSS/JS/ExtJS for Project

  • Responsive Websilte

  • Improve performance

  • Support other teams with other features

Project: EGG

Position: Senior Front-End Developer

Team Size: 5

Description: Vehicle Distribution


  • Front-End: HTML, CSS, JQuery

  • Back-End: Ruby on Rails, Postgres

  • Production Environment: Centos on AWS, Apache2

  • PostgreSQL, Puma

  • Version Control: Gitlab, Bitbucket

  • CI Server: Capistrano

My work:

  • Use HTML/CSS/JS/JQuery for Project

  • Responsive Websilte

  • Design Database

  • Improve performance

  • Lead small team (3 people)

StartUP Tools Manager

​APR 2018 - APR 2019 (Freelance)


Project: Tools Manager

Position: Senior Front-End Developer

Team Size: 1

Description: Tools Managerment, start-up of person


  • Front-End: ReactJS

  • Back-End: NodeJS - MongoDB

  • Production Environment: Nginx

  • Version Control: Github

My work:

  • Use HTML/CSS/JS/ReactJS/NodeJS/MongoDB for Project

  • Responsive Websilte

  • Design Database


​APR 2016 - APR 2018



Position: Front-End Developer

Team Size: ~10

Description: is an online learning platform for Vietnamese working people. currently offers 700+ online courses on knowledge and skills, in more than 10 most popular professions, including: Marketing, Business, Human Resources,...


  • Yii2 PHP Framework

  • Wordpress

  • JavaScript/JQuery/AngularJS

  • MySQL

  • Elasticsearch


  • Github/Bitbucket

My work:

  • Use HTML/CSS/JS/JQuery/AngularJS for Project

  • Responsive Websilte

  • Orientation and consulting for software development

  • Development Landing Page for Marketing

  • Lead small team (2 people)

Doi Tac Khoi Nghiep Co.

​APR 2015 - APR 2016


Project: Many small and medium-sized projects

Position: CTO

Team Size: ~10

Description: Create Corporation Identify Program (CIP) for small and medium-sized enterprises.


  • C# - ASP.NET MVC

  • Java

  • AngularJS, ReactJS

  • MSSQL Server/MySQL

  • AWS


My work:

  • This is my Start-up

  • Project Manager

  • Orientation and consulting for software development

  • Mentor technical for employee

  • Receive requests from customers and analyze business

  • Presentations and demos to customers



​APR 2014 - APR 2015 (Freelance)

Project: Dashboard Furniture Manager

Position: Full Stack Web Developer

Team Size: 1

Description: Furniture Managerment, Orders Managerment, Users Managerment


  • C# - ASP.NET MVC

  • MSSQL Server

  • Window Server

My work:

  • Development website

  • Orientation and consulting for software development



​NOV 2012 - APR 2017 (Freelance)

Project: Dashboard Realty Manager

Position: Full Stack Web Developer

Team Size: 1

Description: Realty Managerment, Users Managerment


  • C# - ASP.NET MVC

  • MSSQL Server

  • Window Server

My work:

  • Development website

  • Orientation and consulting for software development

  • System maintenance

  • HTML5/CSS3


  • JavaScript/TypeScript

  • jQuery/Ajax-Axios

  • ReactJS/AngularJS/VueJS

  • Object Oriented Programming

  • C#/NodeJs


  • Knowledge RestAPI

  • Logical thinking and creative

  • Teamwork Agile/Scrum

  • Software Development Orientation

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